Reducing Student Stress with Executive Function Training:

Here are our top five ways you
can help students reduce stress

Highlight Predictability of Routines

Routines and rituals are incredibly powerful and soothing and provide psychological assurance.

Reduce the Burden

Not everything kids are doing is important or valuable. Figure out what can go and what needs to stay.

Re-frame the Situation

Create work-free zones in everyday routines. Find time for free play. (figure out how to hangout, chill out or do nothing)

Reintroduce Play

Sit down with your kids and help them find a “growth opportunity” in their difficult situations.

Find a Role Model

Help your students find a mentor to support during stressful times.

Please complete this form to download these three additional resources:

ExQ® Know How to Learn More Webinar:
Stressed, Stretched and Scatterbrained

ExQ® Article:
Cultivating An Arc of Change

ExQ® Video:
What is Executive Function?