Key to Superior Problem-Solving Skills

Group of students

What is problem-solving?

With ExQ, students learn that personal problem solving is their ability to understand and identify complex personal problems in their environment, assess relevant information, develop strategies by themselves, and eventually implement effective solutions to achieve goals they have for themselves.

What does ExQ’s exclusive data reveal about problem-solving skills?

When students engage with ExQ’s Executive Function classes, they increase their abilities to identify and achieve their own goals, and become independent thinkers able to solve personal problems. ExQ helps teachers and their students understand their learning challenges and then provides an individualized curriculum that explicitly and directly teaches students how to develop Executive Function skills, such as personal problem-solving, and helps them monitor their own growth and progress over time.

Through its patented technology, ExQ’s data quantifies and validates what educators often see that despite their cognitive capabilities to solve content-related problems, students often struggle in applying these skills to everyday personal problems. For example, in the chart above, one ExQ partner district’s benchmark assessment shows that students in their middle school were starting at the two lowest tiers of competence in Strategic Thinking or strategic problem-solving. 44% of students demonstrated that they were at the lowest level of strategic thinking (or Much Room to Grow) and 52% of students demonstrated a tier above (or Some Opportunity for Expansion). ExQ’s process of benchmarking the gap between potential and failure to adapt is a key guiding tool for educators to appreciate why students are lagging in translating their learning into personal improvement.

As students grow their strategic thinking skills through ExQ for School’s patented training methodologies and lessons, they begin to strategically apply their new skillset to self-direct their attention and focus to actually follow through with a personal action plan and effectively solve personal problems in their studies, during their extracurricular activities, and in their lives. Instead of disrupting the classroom or disengaging, students can apply these newly honed skills to focus on solutions for themselves, by themselves.

Without a strategic plan to prioritize teaching of Executive Function skills as a core curriculum in our schools, students will not be concerned about their lack of focus or engagement nor will they cultivate a consistent self-reflection practice as a pathway to self-improvement. That’s why we believe ExQ is such a game changer in helping our students gain personal insights to succeed in school and beyond.


What do ExQ Partner Educators say about teaching problem-solving skills?

Earlier this year, we interviewed an ExQ Partner Teacher about her experience teaching personal problem solving skills with ExQ’s Executive Function curriculum. Ms. Grebel, a first-year high school teacher, described how ExQ helped students develop personal problem solving skills in order to stay focused, self-regulate, and work both independently and as a team. In our discussion she shared that the most common challenge her students faced, both in her classroom and outside the school, was the ability to solve their personal problems with self motivation and focus. When she taught with ExQ however, she noticed that the personalized games helped students learn how to become more engaged and more willing to work through their tough personal problems.

By integrating ExQ’s patented curriculum, Ms. Grebel is teaching students not only to feel more confident in their academic abilities, but also to develop essential problem-solving skills using ExQ’s content, which benefits them beyond the classroom. Here are a few of Ms. Grebel’s thoughts about how her students benefitted from building personal problem-solving skills with ExQ:

Grebel testimonial

Problem Solving and Literacy

Personal problem-solving skills are closely tied to literacy. Literacy reaches beyond the process of reading to comprehension, critical thinking, and decision making, which results in better problem-solving skills. These skills are highly valued, not only in the classroom and the workplace, but in many aspects of our daily lives. ExQ provides students with a bank of tailored strategies called, TIPS (Targeted Insightful Personalized Strategies), for academic and non-academic use linking Executive Function with Literacy. Learn more about how ExQ for School is a critical core curriculum that can help schools build a neglected foundation connecting the “Science of Reading” or learning to read, and the “Science of learning” or learning HOW to learn!

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Problem Solving and Mental Health

Problem-solving is a mental process that can improve mental health in several ways and ExQ’s innovative curriculum helps bridge the gap between what students know, and how they apply what they know to help them solve their own personal problems including:

  • Stress and anxiety: Problem-solving can help people deal with the sources of their distress and find ways to cope or overcome them.
  • Mood and well-being: Problem-solving can give people a sense of achievement, satisfaction, and control over their situation.
  • Resilience and adaptability: Problem-solving can help people learn from their experiences, cope with uncertainty, and handle change.
  • Self-esteem and confidence: Problem-solving can help people recognize their strengths, abilities, and resources.

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Problem-solving skills can help students become college and career ready in a number of ways, including:

  • Resilience: Students who learn to solve problems can become more resilient and better able to adapt to new situations and bounce back from setbacks. This resilience can be a foundation for lifelong learning and personal growth.
  • Critical thinking: Problem-solving skills can help students develop critical thinking skills, such as evaluating options before making decisions, anticipating obstacles, and exploring all options to meet a goal. Problem solving can help students learn to rely on independent, critical thinking, which can enhance their sense of independence. Real-world skills STEAM education, which focuses on hands-on, problem-based learning, can help students develop skills that are transferable to many fields and highly valued by employers. According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers’ 2024 Job Outlook report, nearly 90% of employers are looking for people with proven problem-solving skills.

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