Explore the value and importance of teaching Executive Function skills to ensure we help all students have the necessary skills to participate in our communities as creative and courageous contributors. What does it mean to be a contributing member in our society? There is a great deal of discussion about the meaning of citizenship in our country today and many state legislatures are considering adding back new civics and ethics classes to the core curriculum. But what is our role as educators in helping students learn the cognitive Executive Function and social-emotional skills that help them demonstrate contributing behaviors?
As educational leaders consider support measures and intervention strategies centered around access to both technology and in-person teaching, research suggests that students will need specific and formal opportunities to build foundational skills that translate into learning how to learn in order to lead to improved engagement, greater collaboration, and effective contributions in school, at home and in our communities. Join us for a comprehensive look at Executive Function centered education and its impact on student preparedness to become self-motivated creative and courageous contributors!
Learning Objectives:
- Learn how teaching Executive Function helps students build social-emotional skills that lead to resilient and reciprocal relationships
- Understand how training advanced Executive Function skills influences the ability to empathize, identify needs to achieve common goals, strengthen adaptive flexibility and increase awareness about social responsibility
- Discover an Executive Function curricular approach that centers around a systematic way of teaching students about their personal strengths and challenges, task analysis skills, emotional regulation, self-assessment and self-devised strategic thinking in order to effectively collaborate with others and achieve goals for the common good
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